QSC Audio - IT-42

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IT 42 Installation Guide INTRODUCTION The IT 42 is an output isolation transformer accessory for the QSC CX 302 amplifier allowing it to drive two 25 70 and 100 volt distributed lines in stereo or parallel ora single 140 or 200 volt line in bridged mono It mounts conveniently to the back of the amplifier and requires no additional rack space In stereo or parallel modes the two distributed lines may be loaded at up to 400 watts each In bridged mono the distributed line may be loaded at up to 800 watts Figure 1 shows the necessary mounting and configuration features of the IT 42 1 Mounting tabs 2 Transformer input wires with spade lug connectors 3 Isolated output barrier strip 4 Transformers 5 Slotted mounting tabs x 2 6 8 32 x5 16 Philips ...